Nasiol Leather Boost 150mls


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Where Can I Use this Leather Protector?

• LeatherBoost provides ultimate car leather protection. The product can be used for most of the genuine and artificial leather surfaces of vehicles such as cars, yachts, boats, and trains.
• LeatherBoost is the perfect leather furniture, couch and sofa protector, no matter if it’s genuine or artificial leather surface.
• LeatherBoost will become a pillar of leather shoe care for you. Also, it’s a reliable leather bag protector for both genuine and artificial leather.


Genuine leather: 50-75 mL / m²
Artificial leather: 35-60 mL / m²

Application Tips:

• The surface must be completely free of dirt and dust and must be dry.
• The application should be done in a well-ventilated environment.
• The product should be applied to the surface with an applicator pad.
• Allow the surface to dry for 12 hours for effectiveness.


Even the best leather protectors and care products require cleaning of the application surface of stains, such as oil, dirt, dust, water. Gently shake the product bottle before use. Pour the product from the standard Nasiol LeatherBoost bottle onto the applicator pad and spread it homogeneously to the surface by using criss-cross technique. Make sure that there are no dry areas. Allow the surface to dry for 12 hours for full effectiveness. If any residue remains on the surface after drying, rub the product into the surface with a dry cloth. In case of an accidental application to surfaces other than the specified ones, the surface should be wiped off immediately with a clean and lint-free microfiber cloth.

Consumption amount is 50-75 mL / m² for genuine leather and 35-60 mL / m² for artificial leather.


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