Nasiol Cleanion Pro Shampoo 500ml


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Cleanion Pro is an outstanding car wash detergent formulated to smoothly remove stubborn dirt and stains. Using harsh, abrasive chemicals and hard brushes may seem like a good idea to remove stains and dirt from the body of your vehicle; however, doing so does more harm than good. The strong chemicals used in detergents and the hard bristles on the brushes damage the paint of your car and can cause scratches. A balanced, concentrated formula like Cleanion Pro effectively removes surface dust, mud and bird droppings while not damaging the paint or coating.


  • Concentrated formula removes vehicle surface stains such as dirt, mud, salt residue, water marks and bird droppings.
  • It can be used safely on surfaces with sealing, polish and ceramic coating.
  • Cleaning the hood with Cleanion Pro before applying Nasiol nano ceramic coating to the surface ensures that you get the best results from the ceramic coating solution.
  • It is used by diluting at a ratio of 1/60.


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